Week 11: Back to work…with mixed emotions

Establishing a support network, creating a flexible work schedule when possible, and maintaining open communication with your employer can help ease the transition back into the workforce.

Becoming a new parent is an incredible journey filled with love, joy, and challenges. One of the most significant challenges many new parents face is returning to work after their parental leave ends. It's completely normal to feel torn between the desire to stay home with your little one and the need to provide for your family. Let's explore some empathetic points and practical tips to help make this transition as smooth as possible.

Many parents feel:

Mixed Emotions

 It's common to experience a range of emotions when returning to work, from guilt and sadness to relief and excitement. Remember that these feelings are all valid and part of the process.

Fear of Missing Out (aka FOMO) 

You may worry about missing your baby's first milestones, like their first smile, crawl, or word. Know that this concern is natural, but you can still be a big part of your child's growth and development.

Here are some practical tips to keep in mind:


 Research and secure reliable childcare well before your return to work. Whether it's a daycare, nanny, or family member, ensure you trust the provider and feel comfortable leaving your baby in their care.

Practice Runs

 To ease the transition, try doing a few practice runs with your childcare provider a week or two before returning to work. This will help both you and your baby adjust to the new routine.

Pumping and Feeding Plan

 If you're breastfeeding, plan how you'll pump at work and store your milk. Speak with your employer about your needs, and be sure to know your rights under workplace breastfeeding laws.

Flexible Work Arrangements

 If possible, discuss flexible work options with your employer, such as working from home, part-time hours, or a gradual return to full-time work.

Prepare for Mornings 

Mornings can be chaotic with a new baby. Streamline your routine by prepping clothes, meals, and diaper bags the night before. This will help reduce stress and save time during busy mornings.

Stay Connected

 To ease your concerns about missing out, ask your childcare provider to send updates and photos throughout the day. This will help you stay connected to your baby even when you're at work.

Create a Support Network

Connect with other working parents to share experiences, advice, and encouragement. This community can help you navigate the challenges of balancing work and family life.


Returning to work after having a baby can be exhausting, so don't forget to take care of yourself. Prioritize sleep, eat healthily, and set aside time for activities you enjoy.

Returning to work after having a baby is a major life transition. It's important to remember that it's okay to feel a mix of emotions and that finding balance may take time. With proper preparation, flexibility, and support, you'll soon find your footing as a working parent.

Resources that can help:

Here are some resources that may help during your transition between parental leave and work:

8 Tips for Returning to Work: Further Reading

Winnie.com : Childcare search


Week 10: Does your baby “hate” Tummy Time?


Week 12: Get out of the house! Yes- with the baby!