Week 10: Does your baby “hate” Tummy Time?

Tummy time is vital for 2-month-olds as it strengthens neck, shoulder, and upper body muscles, aiding in key developmental milestones like lifting their head, rolling over, and crawling. It also helps prevent flat spots on the back of the baby's head from lying down too much.

You're probably in the midst of exploring the fascinating world of baby care and development. But what if your little one seems to despise tummy time? Fear not, dear parents, for we have a treasure trove of tips and tricks to help you navigate this essential developmental activity like a pro!

The Importance of Tummy Time

Tummy time plays a crucial role in your baby's physical and cognitive development. By spending time on their tummy, your infant gains strength in their neck, shoulders, and back muscles, which are essential for reaching significant milestones like rolling over, sitting up, and crawling. Additionally, tummy time helps prevent flat spots on the baby's head and encourages hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

Tips and Tricks to Turn Tummy Time Around

Ease into it: Don't dive headfirst into tummy time. Instead, start with short, gentle sessions that last just a few minutes. Gradually increase the duration as your baby becomes more comfortable and adept.

Timing is everything: Choose a time when your baby is well-rested, alert, and not too hungry or full. A happy baby is more likely to enjoy tummy time and adapt better to the activity.

Get down to their level: Lie down on your tummy or sit close to your baby while they're on their stomach. Your presence can be comforting, and you can engage them with eye contact, soothing words, or by making funny faces.

Engaging toys: Place colorful, age-appropriate toys within your baby's reach during tummy time. This encourages them to lift their head, stretch, and reach, helping to build strength and coordination.

Try a different surface: Sometimes, changing the surface can make a difference. Experiment with soft blankets, play mats, or even a firm pillow to see what your baby prefers.

Baby massage: Gently massaging your baby's back and shoulders before tummy time can help relax their muscles and ease any discomfort.

Sing, talk, or read: Soothing your baby with your voice can help make tummy time an enjoyable bonding experience. Singing, talking, or reading to your little one during tummy time can help distract them from any initial resistance.

Mix it up: Don't limit tummy time to the floor. Holding your baby on your chest while you're reclined or propping them up on your lap can also count as tummy time, offering a change of pace and scenery.

Remember, patience and consistency are key. With these tips and tricks in hand, you'll soon see your baby embracing tummy time like a champ. Enjoy watching your little one grow stronger, and cherish these precious moments together!

Resources that can help:

Think about the following resources that can help you connect with other parents virtually or in person: 

Baby’s Best Tummy Time course

Importance of Tummy Time


Week 9: It’s like dating…but for parent friends!


Week 11: Back to work…with mixed emotions