Week 8: Can I really play with my newborn?

As new parents of an 8-week-old baby, you might wonder if it's possible to play with your little one. Good news!

Not only is playtime possible, but it's also essential for your baby's development and can be a wonderful way to boost your own morale and connection with your baby.

Playing with your newborn doesn't require an arsenal of toys. As a parent, you can be the most engaging playmate your baby could ever have.

Here are some tips and examples to help you connect and "play" with your baby, even if you're feeling unsure or overwhelmed:

Make eye contact and smile:
At around 8 weeks old, your baby is starting to recognize your face and can even respond with a heartwarming social smile. Gaze into your baby's eyes, smile, and talk to them in a gentle, soothing voice. This simple interaction can create a powerful connection, and it's a great way to engage your baby.

Sing and dance:
You might not be the next Beyoncé or Justin Timberlake, but your baby doesn't care! Sing lullabies, nursery rhymes, or even your favorite tunes. Gently sway or dance with your baby in your arms. Music and movement can be incredibly stimulating for your little one, and it's an excellent way to bond and have fun together.

Baby massage:
A gentle baby massage can work wonders for your baby's relaxation and sensory development. It also provides a fantastic opportunity for you to connect with your baby. Use baby-safe oils or lotions and softly rub your baby's arms, legs, tummy, and back with your fingertips. Just be careful to avoid the delicate areas around their eyes, mouth, and nose.

Mimic your baby's sounds and expressions:
Listen to your baby's coos, gurgles, and babbling, and then mimic them back. This simple "conversation" can help your baby learn about communication and stimulate their language development. Plus, it's just plain adorable!

Tummy time:
Place your baby on their tummy for short periods throughout the day. Tummy time is essential for developing strong neck, shoulder, and back muscles. Get down on their level and interact with your baby, encouraging them to lift their head and look at you.

Explore different textures:
Introduce your baby to various textures by letting them touch and feel different materials, like a soft blanket, a cool metal spoon, or a fuzzy stuffed animal. This sensory play can help your baby develop their sense of touch and curiosity about the world around them.

Playing with your baby is not only beneficial for their development but can also help you feel more connected and engaged as a parent. It's a fantastic way to boost your mood and create lasting memories with your little one. Remember, you don't need fancy toys or elaborate activities – all your baby needs is your love, attention, and a bit of creativity. So go ahead and enjoy this special playtime with your newborn!

Resources that can help:

Here are a few of our favorite newborn play essentials: 

The Play Gym by Lovevery

The Play Kits by Lovevery

Monti Kids kits


Week 7: Finding the right feeding rhythm


Week 9: It’s like dating…but for parent friends!